Beautiful Butterfly Girls Illustration Book
An anthropomorphic illustration book that turns unique butterflies into beautiful girls! Sixteen talented illustrators have created original characters based on fifty types of butterflies that actually inhabit Japan.
Enjoy not only the illustrations but also detailed information about the appearance and characteristics of the real butterflies that inspired them. Pique your curiosity and widen your knowledge of these creatures that live close to us.
■ character design by Urimo, supervised by Katsuyuki Yamamoto, edited by Tsubura Kadomaru
■ 257 x 215 mm / 160 pages
■ Published in October 2016
■ ISBN: 9784798613031
■ Japanese title: 美ちょうちょ図鑑 もしも、四季折々に舞うチョウが美少女だったなら…
Rights sold to Taiwan, Hong Kong, China
Urimo is an illustrator and character designer who provides illustrations for light novels and videogames, character and prop design for games, design sketches for toys, and so on.
Katsuyuki Yamamoto is an insect researcher who specializes in butterflies. He especially likes all kinds of weird insects, and after graduating in forestry from the Tokyo University of Agriculture he organized outdoor activities for children. He currently operates Pension Fabre, a B&B in Nagano which offers bug hunting as one of its activities.
Tsubura Kadomaru has always loved drawing and sketching, and in middle and high school was the head of the school's art club. She protected the club, that had become a manga study group and Gundam get-together, and its members, raising creators who now work in the game and anime industry. She studied oil painting in the Faculty of Fine Arts of the Tokyo University of the Arts at a time when film studies and contemporary art were thriving. She has authored, edited, and conceived dozens of drawing manuals.