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Drawing Anything with One Pencil - Mano’s Realistic Pencil Sketching

Drawing Anything with One Pencil - Mano’s Realistic Pencil Sketching

Manoj "Mano" Mantri, a popular lecturer at the Nakano Dessin School in Tokyo, is known for his unique and easy-to-understand teaching style that consists in using one pencil to calculate the proportions and perspective of an object and then transfer them to paper.


With this book you will learn his technique from the basics, starting by practicing cubes, cylinders, cones, and spheres, then learning shading and trying your hand at still life to understand different textures. Once you become comfortable, you will tackle more advanced themes such as animals, hands, people, and landscapes.



Chapter 1: Mastering the four basic shapes
Chapter 2: Drawing different shapes, materials, and animals
Chapter 3: Drawing landscapes using perspective
Chapter 4: Drawing people


    ■ by Manoj Mantri

    ■ 257 x 190 mm / 160 pages

    ■ Published in March 2021

    ■ ISBN: 9784798624242

    ■ Japanese title: えんぴつ1本で何でも描ける マノ先生のリアル鉛筆デッサン

    Buy on Amazon Japan


    Rights sold to Taiwan, Hong Kong, South Korea


    Manoj Mantri, born in Mumbai, graduated from a national art university in India and came to Japan in 1985 to study animation. He gained experience in anime production companies, design companies, and advertising agencies, then founded the special effects company West Wood Works in 2001. In 2013 he started teaching at the Nakano Dessin School in Tokyo. He is also registered with a model agency and has appeared in TV commercials and movies.

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