Dynamic Drawing Lesson Book: Male Characters
Dynamic Drawing Lesson Book: Male Characters
Quick Sketching Action Poses from Tracing
This book aims to develop the technical skills needed for dynamic drawing starting from tracing photos. You will start by tracing photos only keeping the lines that are important for manga drawing, then "deform" the figure so that it has a more fictional perspective and proportions that will make it look more dynamic.Learn all the skills you need to draw powerful action poses!
Chapter 1: Basics of tracing
Chapter 2: Foreshortening
Chapter 3: Drawing the body in manga style
Chapter 4: Drawing the face in manga style
Chapter 5: Dynamic drawing
■ by Kosuke Yanagisawa, Tsubura Kadomaru
■ 257 x 190 mm / 176 pages
■ Published in February 2013
■ ISBN: 9784798605562
■ Japanese title: ダイナミックデッサン レッスンブック 男子編 トレスから始める、動きのある速描デッサン
Rights sold to China
Kosuke Yanagisawa is an illustrator and character designer. His peculiar art style was influenced by movies, manga and American comics. He works as a freelancer in the entertainment industry and has provided concept art, key visuals and art direction for a variety of projects.
Tsubura Kadomaru has always loved drawing and sketching, and in middle and high school was the head of the school's art club. She protected the club, that had become a manga study group and Gundam get-together, and its members, raising creators who now work in the game and anime industry. She studied oil painting in the Faculty of Fine Arts of the Tokyo University of the Arts at a time when film studies and contemporary art were thriving. She has authored, edited, and conceived dozens of drawing manuals.