Simple & Fun! Your First Guidebook to Doujinshi Publishing
Doujinshi, also called “doujin”, are Japanese self-published fanzines. They can feature original works or parodies of existing works, and can contain manga, novels, illustrations, photos, and so on. Doujinshi are published by groups of artists referred to as “circles”, although they often consist of a single person. Every year, in Japan, a large number of conventions are organized with the specific purpose of selling and buying doujinshi.
Despite their popularity, especially among amateur artists, there are no real manuals on publishing doujinshi, and most people gain knowledge by looking up information online and through personal experience. This aspect can make it hard to approach for some.
This manual aims to teach the ABC of doujinshi publishing to anyone who is interested but has no experience. Learn how to start out as a circle, publish your own books, and participate in conventions!
Chapter 1: Circle activity online
Chapter 2: Creating a doujinshi (manga)
Chapter 3: Creating a doujinshi (novel)
Chapter 4: Printing your doujinshi
Chapter 5: Creating fanmade merchandise
Chapter 6: Participating in conventions as a circle
Chapter 7: Other useful information
■ by (Moe) Hyogen Tankyu Circle
■ 182 x 128 mm / 216 pages
■ Published in September 2022
■ ISBN: 9784798629445
■ Japanese title: 簡単!楽しい! はじめての同人活動ガイドブック
World rights available
(Moe) Hyogen Tankyu Circle is a group of authors who love manga, anime and games and are always looking for the best techniques to draw moe illustrations.